If It Takes a Minute or Less...
Morning Musing
by Katie Kime
...do it now.
I never cease to be amazed at how much small things can hang over my head. It’s astounding, really. A note that will take me no time to write, an email that has a quick answer that stays flagged in my inbox, putting on moisturizer. I always make things bigger in my head.
But I did hear something that’s helped me in recent years to diminish some of the delusion, and it’s that if something takes a minute or less to do, do it right now. Once I started trying it, I was amazed at how many things actually take a minute or less. Making the bed, moving dishes from the sink to the dishwasher, a few towels, those emails.
If you’re like me and you love to make unrealistic lists of all the things you’ll do in a day, add a few that take a minute or less and watch the check-marks flow.