Welcome to KK Daily

Welcome to KK Daily

Morning Musing

by Katie Kime

Welcome to KK Daily. This new content arm of Katie Kime, Inc. has been in my mind and heart for years. We dabbled in blog iterations along the way but it was never quite what I envisioned, nor what we had the internal bandwidth to execute.

So today, with all of the conversations and questions and work to get here, is significant for me. Thank you to the team that made it happen and, once again, for trusting me with a crazy, new idea. Here is a bit about the format and what to expect. KK Daily is just that – daily – a five-day-a-week digital storytelling format. It will include what I individually and we as a team are thinking about, wondering about, struggling with, reading, loving, making, doing. We will feature interesting movers and shakers we come across, behind the scenes access to what we’re working on creatively and everything in between. But a lot of it, most of it, will come from me. It is another form (new externally but not internally) of my own personal expression, something I’ve come to see as one of the most important gifts we have to offer the world – and if it’s the case for any of us then it has to be the case for all of us.

Morning Musing

Morning Musing is a couple of times a week with my thoughts or questions on various subjects, some unique to me, some as universal as breathing. This has the least amount of imagery, each just an accompanying illustration, and true pen to paper. I hope that for the most part they feel short in time required reading but deep in time spent pondering. Not for any other reason than if they made it on my list of musings, they are pontifications that often wouldn’t leave me alone until I, at least, jotted them down. This category feels both the most exciting and the most daunting to me. The former, because, to cite a few:

“You can make anything by writing.” –C.S. Lewis

“A word after a word after a word is power.” –Margaret Atwood

“The true alchemist does not change lead into gold. They change words into worlds.” –William H. Gass

And the latter because…

“The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself.” –William Faulkner

“You are what you do, not what you’ll say you’ll do.” –Carl Jung

“I hate writing. I love having written.” –Dorothy Parker

If you know, you know…

A Storied Closet

A Storied Closet is a look at other designers I am loving and wearing, some already well-known, and others more undiscovered but equally noteworthy. Most of them are other female founders or fellow creatives that grew up in small, Southern towns, like myself, whose dreams didn’t match their demographics. I love those stories and want to help tell them whenever I can. The other aspect of this category is not just the story of the designers who make up our wardrobes, but the stories each of us live out while wearing them. I bet if you think about it you can remember what you were wearing the first time you met your partner or the last time you saw someone you love. Or when you heard “the news,” be it the best or the worst. Events and trips and job interviews and parties and love and death and every “normal” day in-between. For me, fashion has always been not just another way of expressing myself but its own form of memory-keeping. If music is the playlist of our lives, fashion for me has always been a scrapbook of sorts.

Eat, Stay, Play

Eat, Stay, Play. This is the world around us as we discover its unending magic and mystery, be it across the world in sub-Saharan Africa or in our own hometown of Austin, Texas. The best dive bar burger we just tried on Rainey Street or a new Michelin Star restaurant in the South of France. For those of you who have been with us for a while, you probably know – or may have seen on the wall if you visited our first store in Austin at 5th and Lamar — a founding belief of my personal experience and now of the brand: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” –Mark Twain

I don’t know anything more true from the first time I traveled in adolescence to now in my forties. I love a great hotel spa as much as anyone and have been privileged to travel so far and so often. But unequivocally, it is curiosity (and the compassion that always accompanies it) that drives the insatiable search for new places and their people. In this category we hope to offer you an unexpected breadth of all things exploration.

Creative Living

Creative Living.This is really a catch-all for the ways we see and seek creative lives. From interior design trends to the recipes we’re making at home. From what scents mean, be it sentimentally or scientifically, to a new way of organizing our own inner lives. I can’t think of anything more artful than the human body in its miracle and movement and so, in this vein, I consider wellness and the entire frontier as creative as it comes. This category probably excites me the most because at the deepest level, I believe that the truest nature of reality is creative; that we, as humans, are paradoxically and at the same time, a full expression of that creativity and unendingly invited to co-create more and new ways of…everything. Writing, thinking, dressing, making, doing. Here, you’ll find it all, big and small.